Credit Account Terms & Conditions

All contracts of sale made by Brosch Direct, a trading division of Polyco Healthline Ltd, (‘the Supplier’) and the Purchaser whether made by post, telephone or electronic order on our website, shall be deemed to incorporate these terms and conditions, which shall override any terms or conditions stipulated, incorporated or referred to by the Purchaser whether in the order or in any negotiations unless expressly accepted in writing by the Supplier. The headings of the clauses of these conditions are for reference only.


  1. The supplier reserves the right to modify the prices from time to time without prior notice.

  2. The prices quoted do not include the amount of any Value Added Tax, which shall be added to the price, unless a Value Added Tax exemption is applicable, and be payable by the Purchaser.

  3. Goods and services, together with VAT, are invoiced in pounds sterling at the price prevailing at the time of order.

Delivery & Charges

  1. The Supplier shall make every effort to supply products or goods as advertised but reserves the right to vary actual dimensions, specifications and quantities without prior notice.

  2. In the event that the Supplier cannot supply the goods ordered by the Purchaser, the Supplier reserves the right to supply goods of equal or superior quality at no extra cost.

  3. The Supplier shall be under no liability to the Purchaser for damage to or loss of goods in transit unless the Purchaser notifies of any damage or loss of goods within 3 working days from receipt.

  4. Where the Purchaser’s order specifies a delivery date the Supplier shall make every effort to comply with this date but unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing, the Supplier shall not be liable for delay of delivery.

  5. Where it is agreed in writing that the Supplier shall be liable to the Purchaser for delay in delivery the Purchaser nonetheless has no claim against the Supplier for delay in delivery of, or failure to deliver the goods, as a result of strikes, labour disputes or other industrial action, emergency conditions, fire, flood, accident or any other cause whatsoever beyond the Supplier’s control whether or not of a similar nature to any of the foregoing, nor shall the Purchaser have any claim against the supplier for failure to deliver the goods within the time specified if the Purchaser is in breach of any of the terms hereof or in any way delays the execution of work.

  6. The Supplier may make deliveries in one or more instalments and each such instalment shall be deemed to be under a separate contract. Any default by the Supplier in delivery of any instalments shall not entitle the Purchaser to repudiate the contract with regard to future instalments remaining deliverable.

  7. If the Purchaser makes a default in taking delivery of or paying for an instalment the Supplier will be relieved from all obligations to make any further deliveries but without prejudice to its right to recover damages for breach of contract.

Payment & Title to the Goods

  1. Normally payment will be due 21 days after the day when the invoice was raised. The Supplier reserves the right to vary these terms of payment and the Purchaser should make payment in accordance with the terms stated in the Supplier’s invoice or as stated by the Supplier on receipt of the Purchaser’s Order.

  2. Supplier reserves the title of the delivered goods (reserved property) until all claims have been settled, even if payments for specially designated claims have been made. With a current account, the reserved property serves for securing payment of the amount outstanding.

  3. Buyer shall have the right to process and sell the goods sold with retention of title in the course of normal business under his standard terms and conditions as long as he has not delayed payment. Pledging or assignment of securities is prohibited.

  4. Buyer commits himself to provide any information necessary for enforcing Supplier’s rights and to hand over any documentation necessary for this. When third parties have access to the goods sold with retention of title, especially in the case of pledging, Buyer must point out Supplier’s ownership and notify the latter at once by registered mail to enable Supplier to enforce his rights of ownership. Buyer shall bear the costs of all measures necessary for averting the intervention.

  5. Any breach of contract by Buyer – in particular delayed payment – shall authorise Supplier to request the return of goods sold within retention of title or, where appropriate, request transfer of Buyer’s claim for return against third parties. Requesting the return and pledging of the goods sold with retention of title by the Seller does not constitute a rescission of the contract.

  6. The Supplier reserves the right to amend or withdrawn, without prior notice, the Purchasers payment terms where payment is delayed.

  7. Buyer is obligated to provide for adequate insurance protection of the goods sold with retention of title. Despite the reservation of title, Buyer bears the risk of loss and deterioration of the goods sold with retention of title.

  8. Notwithstanding the terms of sub-clause (b) hereof all responsibility for the safe custody protection and preservation of the goods after delivery is deemed to have taken place shall rest with the Purchaser who shall take all proper steps with regard thereto and shall in any event remain liable to pay for all goods delivered.

  9. The Supplier reserves the right to charge interest on overdue payment from the date due at 2.5% above the Bank base lending rate calculated on a daily basis.

  10. The Purchaser shall notify of any discrepancies with the invoice within 14 days of receipt.

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