
Best Practice: Infection Control - Office Hygiene
Best Practice: Infection Control - Office Hygiene
23 December, 2019
Best Practice: Infection Control - Office Hygiene
23 December, 2019

Ever wondered how clean your office really is? Find out here and read our checklist on decluttering and maintaining a much cleaner and healthier workspace.

Best Practice: Infection Control – Beauty & Hair Salons
23 December, 2019
Best Practice: Infection Control – Beauty & Hair Salons
23 December, 2019

Infection control in salons has become an increasingly popular topic and is a vital necessity to prevent the spread of infection and disease. Find out how to keep your salon spotless.

How Do I Start a Cleaning Business?
How Do I Start a Cleaning Business?
24 October, 2019
How Do I Start a Cleaning Business?
24 October, 2019

Ready to be your own boss? It’s something many of us dream of doing and, if you’re ready to make the move, you could consider setting up a cleaning business. 

This market offers a lucrative opportunity for the competent residential cleaner. As a nation we work longer hours and so, as a result, our homes can get neglected. This means we may need to turn to a cleaning service to do the jobs we don’t want to come home to, after a long day at work...

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