In any workplace, ensuring the safety and well-being of employees is important. First aid provisions play a crucial role in promptly addressing injuries or illnesses that may occur whilst in the workplace. However, compliance with industry standards can be a challenging task. To simplify the process and ensure your workplace meets the required regulations, we have created a guide to first aid in the workplace.

Understanding the Industry Standard for First Aid:

The industry standard for workplace first aid in the UK is BS 8599-1. Introduced in 2011, this standard has become the benchmark for first aid kits in various workplaces. Regularly monitored by the British Safety Institute (BSI) and the British Healthcare Trade Association (BHTA), the standard underwent its last major review in 2019 (BS 8599-1:2019). These reviews ensure the standard remains up to date with industry advancements, product developments, and advancements in first aid. 

Key updates include:

  • Removal of safety pins from recommended contents and addition of tapes.
  • Adjustment in the quantities of Medium and Large Dressings in the Small, Medium, and Large BS8599-1 compliant kits.
  • Complete overhaul of the Travel and Motoring Kit to align with the recommendations from the Medium BS8599-2 compliant Vehicle and Motoring First Aid Kit.
  • Inclusion of two supplementary kits – a Personal Issue Kit and a Critical Injury Pack – as additional resources to British Standard Compliant First Aid Kits.

Our Guide for Workplace First Aid Kits:

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) outlines the essentials of first aid in the workplace. As of June 23, 2022, employers must:

·       Ensure they have a suitably stocked first aid kit.

·       Appoint individuals to take charge of first aid arrangements.

·       Provide information to all employees regarding first aid arrangements.

To tailor your first aid kit effectively, conduct a workplace risk assessment and categorize work activities based on the hazards they present. Consider the number of employees on-site to determine the size and quantity of kits needed.

Recommended Kit Sizes Based on Risk and Number of Employees:

Small Kit Guidelines:

Low Risk: 1 Kit per 1-25 employees

High Risk: 1 Kit per 1-25 employees

Medium Kit Guidelines:

Low Risk: 25 - 100 employees

High Risk: 1 Kit per 5-25 employees

Large Kit Guidelines:

Low Risk: 1 Kit per 100 employees

High Risk: 1 Kit per 25 employees

Creating a compliant and effective workplace first aid kit involves careful consideration of industry standards and your specific workplace needs. By understanding the BS 8599-1 standard and conducting a thorough risk assessment, you can ensure your employees' safety and protection.

At Brosch Direct, we offer an extensive range of First Aid Kits designed to meet various industry needs. Explore our selection and equip your workplace with the right first aid provisions to promote a safe and secure working environment for all. 

Please note that the information provided is a guide and not legal advice. Always consult with relevant authorities or legal professionals for official compliance measures.

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